

Birthday is also known as birthday celebration in China. In ancient times, customs of birthday celebrations were many. The greatest attention was given to the birthday celebration of the elderly and the very young. As to the birthday celebration of people of senior age, the preparation was most meticulous.



The Chinese character “寿”(shou) means longevity or advanced age. This character is added to anything related with the birthday celebration of an elderly person. On the occasion of their birthday celebration, the elderly people are addressed as “gods of longevity” or “stars of longevity”. In ancient fairy tales, “gods of longevity” were immortals. So to address old people in this way is to bless them with long life.



The pride of place on the dinner table is often a “longevity peach” which looks like a peach but is in fact a pastry made of flour. The birthday dinner cannot be dispensed without “longevity wine”. The character “” (wine) is homophonous with another character “” (long). So to toast with wine has acquired the implication of “wishing one a long life”. One needs to eat on his birthday a bowl of “longevity noodles”, because it means that in the following years he will live a peaceful life.



In addition, on the occasion of a modern birthday dinner, a photograph of the whole family will be taken as an evidence of family reunion and a sign of prosperity.



The Chinese do not neglect the celebration of the one-year birthday of a baby. On the occasion of a birthday celebration ceremony, an important thing is to hang on the neck of the baby a “long life lock”, a lock-shaped ornamental necklace, on which is inscribed “long life” or “long life and fortune”. The character “锁”(lock) implies that the baby’s life and health will be well taken care of. In old times, parents also made tiger-head shoes, tiger-hats and toy tigers for their baby, believing that these things would ward off evils. “Zhuazhou” (on a baby’s first birthday, the parents place different objects before it to see which article it tries to grab, indicating its future inclination), a game-like ceremony for heightening the enjoyment of the baby’s first birthday.



Traditional Chinese culture put great inportance on the relationship between one’s birthday and growth. As a result, besides the first birthday celebration, a baby’s birth, its completion of its first month of life, its one hundred days of life and the day of reaching adulthood are all important occasions.